Tuesday 26 April 2016

Home Learning before Monday 9 May

  • Choose one of the 'Figures of Speech' that you don't know from the photo below.
  • Research what it is and find examples.
  • Then use your chosen 'figure of speech' to create a sentence/paragraph that in some way links to mothers or mothers day.
  • Write it as a comment below.
  • Have fun!

(Online link to photo below)


  1. Irony :))))))))))

    Hey guys!
    Any one help me find articles on Gen Y, or just how our generation is lazy?
    Thanks xo

  2. Hyperbole

    “The fish was as big as this table!” He roars. Arms flailing wildly into the air. “A magnificent beast of the ocean!”
    I try to imagine this, a fabulous warrior of the seas. But I can remember the salmon quite clearly, skinny, flat and short. No bigger than 8, maybe ten inches?

    1. Anastrophe

      Love like no other I receive from my mother. Forever thankful will I be for all things she has done for me.

  3. Antithesis:

    I curl up next to my mother on her bed, and peek at her page. She says I'm not old enough to read her books, but she doesn't stop me from doing so as she reads them. It says:
    Khan was unable to see through the transparent mist that clouded her.

  4. Anadiplosis:

    I can't stop them, the word that tumble off my tongue, the words that shape into shards of hurt.
    "You're never going to be my mum. Not ever".
    I will never be able to take those words back. Back, so they are nothing more than thoughts, thoughts upon a million others.

  5. Anthimeria:

    My mother dove into the sapphire water, coating me with a thick wave of cold.

  6. Polyptoton:

    Never, ever, going back back to that awful place. Never returning, never will those events be repeated. Never.

  7. Apposition:

    He grabbed it from me the moment I received it. Promptly, without delay.

  8. Oxymoron

    Along together, we clamber round the rocks breathing in the ocean air.

  9. Oxymoron

    I walk into class, with 60 eyes following me in my path. My day was going great, but my mood is darkened by the noticeable absence in the room. I don't know how to get through the day without you there.

  10. antanaclasis

    She sat by my side engaged in the bright pictures ahead, her face lit up as if she was getting engaged again!

  11. Asyndeton

    She smiled, she laughed, she grabbed my hand, squeezing it lovingly.

  12. Hyperbole

    A fond hand reaches for my own, tenderly, as a thick blanket of clouds obscure the sun. Shards of ice pierce through my skin, now laced delicately with frosted fragments. I grasp it tighter, savouring the subtle heat. It’s delicate fingers radiating the pure warmth of an open fire.

  13. Paradox

    My mother has protected me from all means of death, yet somehow, I'm no longer alive.

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  15. Paradox

    The unstoppable force hits the immovable object.

  16. Litotes

    How does one describe ones mother. I would say, "not to shabby."

  17. Oxymoron, Chris

    He was the most Sad Happy man I've every come across.
